May 7, 2010

What The Wind Brought In This Week

What do we plant when we plant the tree?
We plant the ship that will cross the sea,
We plant the mast to carry the sails,
We plant the planks to withstand the gales-
The keel, the keelson, and beam and knee-
We plant the ship when we plant the tree.

-Abbey, Henry; 1842-1911

Lady Washington & Hawaiian Chieftain

To our surprise and delight, the wind carried into Squalicum Harbor this week the beautiful Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain. They will be here from May 5-17, then heading down to Port Angeles. They will be performing Battle Sails and Adventure Sails during their time here. Head down to the Harbor and check them out, or view the website to get tickets and be a part of the action!

This week's Learn-N-Cruise blew back in Friday afternoon with it's 5 man crew. After experiencing great winds and full days, the students claimed to have a great week, excited about their favorite spots: Shaw and Cypress Island.

Here the students are, unloading food and belongings from their boat. With a rare 5 man class, we were surprised to see extra food being unloaded!